Saturday, September 13, 2014

140913 Gwendolyn at Marina Square

okkkkkk so i decided to pump up my costume for gwendolyn over the weekends. i realised the size was actually too big for me and i had to trim it down and bling it up. wheee~~

spent an hour ironing everything before the day so it wouldn't look so creased. uhhh...

i have some pretty old cosplays of it and did a shoot. check out the thread on sgcafe here.

and sooooo i'm off to the event at marina square!

oops selfies in the loo.


i'm actually on a job so if you were there on sat you might spot me holding this promotion stick.

and if you go on instagram and search for hashtag #marinasquarecosplay you'll find all the cosplayers on the same job as well.

and some selfies with the cosplayers present!

dear yvonne came for the job as well. haven't seen her cosplay for so looooonnnggg. glad to have someone with me to spend my breaks with as well xD

wahhhhhhh and team thailand is there too!! they were the ones who build some of the jojo structures there.

this is what they made

despite being on a job i still get to have some nice shots without the tag. hoho. here's some of the nicer shots tagged on my fb i like~~ (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of them by serlver pixels - he captured some really nice angles of me)

tried to take a few pictures of the catwalk but failed.

left around 8pm. eyes were dizzy with all the flashes. jojo cosplay the next day!

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