Monday, November 07, 2016

161107 Best Pad Thai

we went back to eat at the crab wanton mee place and it rained super heavily all of a sudden. when it was our turn and we finished eating, the rain didn't stop and in fact got more heavy. we stood around the entrance trying to cross over to the next building but the rain kept us from crossing. in the end, one of the guys at the stall opened his huge tent umbrella and sheltered us over... talk about good service! awesome gesture of kindness...

and then we stopped at the shibuya building, which turns out to sell lots of textiles.

we shopped for a while till the rain stopped, then sent mom to a massage, and shopped more at the inner alleys till evening time. we were recommended by the hotel staff to take a boat to where we wanted to go since the traffic will be smoother...

lol... we felt like some runaway illegal immigrants when we squeezed onto that crowded boat. at least it was only like 20baht per person, very cheap.

and we reached our pad thai place.

there was already a queue but we got in pretty fast by choosing the aircon place (extra 10baht per person)

that bottled orange juice is super pulpy and tastes nice! the iced coconut is so-so.

ordered 3 padthais. actually it doesn't matter what flavour you order all of them seems to taste the same in the end. we just tried the 2 with omelette and one without.

by the way... i noticed a lot of thai kitchens are located at the front of the store, and this was no different. it's as if they are displaying the chef's skill before the guests becomes convinced to go in. here, the chef was displaying his omelet wrap skill... one omelet every 12 seconds... woahhh!

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